Meet us at
Aurora Street Sale 2024 and
Markham Village Music Festival 2024
(also see page 8 of this website for further information)
1] e-mail hiddencountry@sideroadguidebooks.com telling us
which GuideBook(s) you would like to order (choice of Guidebooks 1,2,5,6,7,)
AND your name and address.
2] send an e-transfer for the cost of book(s) and P&P (see page 8 for prices) to hiddencountry@sideroadguidebooks.com
and mention your name on the e-transfer
3] We mail the GuideBook(s) to you
'RawMille Publications' has published a series of SideRoad GuideBooks
covering South-Central Ontario.
Peter DeMille & David Rawcliffe wrote these GuideBooks with the notion that they may encourage more people to explore the backroads and hidden countryside of Ontario.